The professional bachelor’s degree in Real estate professions: management and administration of property aims to acquire skills that are at the same time :
general disciplines (locating in a legal text the fundamental concepts of domestic law, using the foundations of legal analysis, identifying the applicable legal rules, identifying individual and company rights...).
specific disciplines (mastering the specific tools for identifying the fundamental concepts of domestic law, using the foundations of legal analysis, identifying the applicable rules of law, identifying individual and company rights).
and professional skills ( locate) one’s place and mission within an organisation in order to adapt and take initiatives, respect the ethic principles, deontology or work in a team as well as autonomously ).
At the end of the course you will be able to enter the professional world.
Agnès Delage De Luget and Carine Devaud - ISFAC
Real estate management and practice on specific software
Professional environment
Real estate development and building engineering
Regulation of loans
Tutored project
The selection of candidates is based on application.
You wish to [apply for a vocational] Bachelor’s Degree->]
The files are examined by the pedagogical team, which convenes candidates whose files have been favourably selected for an interview. During the interview, the candidates explain their motivation.
Work-study: admission to the work-study vocational bachelor’s degree is only definitively acquired when you certify that you have signed an apprenticeship or a professional training contract. You are advised to start looking for a host structure as of March and to inform the work-study centre ( or of the progress of your search.
Your profile
You hold a Bac+2: national diploma validating 2 years of higher education (L2 Law, AES or Management, a DUT or BTS in a compatible field of study) or a validation of studies.