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Our research teams work in the legal fields of public law, private law and the history of law, political science and management sciences.
Discover the three laboratories around which research in our Faculty is organized.
DSPT 7 : Social Sciences
Home Team (EA 3170)
Direction : Linda Arcelin
Research focus
Federal structures
DSPT 7 : Social Sciences
Home Team (EA 4227)
Director : Jacques Bouineau
Research focus
The federative axis of our research is made up of the notion of roman. By this we mean a common Mediterranean culture, born in the Mediterranean region thanks to the relay constituted by the Roman Empire.
The aim is to enable a north-south dialogue around an original idea, highlighting the common past found in both northern and southern Mediterranean cultures.
This common past can indeed allow a dialogue around the shared values of Christians and Muslims, Jews and atheists, citizens of advanced societies and inhabitants of emerging countries.
Associated organizations