Helping your teams evolve

In tight collaboration with the working world, La Rochelle University offers a range of degree courses and qualifications in law, political science and management adapted to the demands of professionals. The Faculty provides a University Diploma (DU) and preparation for vocational competitions and exams.

Continuous Education

DU in mediation and dispute resolution

The DU in Mediation and dispute resolution provides practical training in mediation, whether legal or conventional. It is open to candidates from all cultural backgrounds, public or private, and is recommended to those who have a personal or professional mediation project.

Lifelong Learning

You can access in continuous training the initial courses provided by the Faculty.

Preparation for entrance and vocational examinations

The institute for justice and administration professions (IMJA)

The institute of justice and administration of legal professions and administration (IMJA) in La Rochelle includes the Institute of Legal Studies (IEJ) and the Center for Preparation for Administrative Competitive Examinations (CPCA).
Its mission is to prepare students for the various administrative competitions and examinations for entering the legal and judicial professions. It is a non-degree course.

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  • Faculté de Droit, de Science Politique et de Management 45 rue François de Vaux de Foletier 17024 La Rochelle cedex 1 +33 (0)5 46 45 85 20

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