Private international law 1 (conflict of laws) - Master’s degree 1
Private international law 2 (conflict of jurisdictions) - Master’s degree 1
Law of nationality and status of foreigners in France - Master’s degree 1
Private international litigation - Master’s degree 2 procedural law
Insurance and private international law - Master’s degree 2 insurance law
International legal law: « The effectiveness in France of foreign injunctive judgements » , in C. Marie (dir.),Les injunctions du juge, Proceedings of the 24th Colloquium of the Institutes of Legal Studies, Bruylant, 2009, pp. 125-142; « The trap of the de facto effect of foreign judgments » , note under Cass. Com. 4 oct. 2005, Les Petites Affiches, 2007, n° 27, p. 10.
Private International Law: « From autonomy to substitution: The relationship between community law and private international law » , Directory of european law, 2007, Bruylant 2009; « Proximity dismissal » , note under Civ. 1, 21 Sept. 2005, Dalloz 2006.1726.
Processual law: « The office of the judge » , collective work, to be published; « Religious freedom and the legal judge » , to be published in F. Faberon, Liberté religieuse et juge judiciaire, to be published in F. Faberon, Liberté religieuse et juge judiciaire.